Nearly two months have passed since we wrapped our 1 Second Film/Evangenitals 2007 Summer U.S. Tour and only now am I ready to iron out some of the mixed feelings I have by publishing some of my experiences and observations whilst on the road. What a journey! One that I will never, ever forget. If the following tales sound bitter or resentful, then they probably are. But there was a lot of beauty and good will that also took place on that endless road. And I realize that my reality is my own. At the end of the day, I like to subscribe to the old saying: It's not happening TO YOU, it's just happening. Read on players and drama freaks.

Hollywood, California. Our first day on the road the electrical catches fire and the bus needs to be towed. Already there are some leadership issues arising but I'm gonna lay low and try to be a team player. Still, the breakdown footage is pretty sweet and we're all pretty excited. Plus, Darth Vader is an electrician.

Las Vegas & Hoover Dam. Driving thru Vegas in the daytime isn't the same. Still trying to adjust to our various personalities. The dishes are a tense subject. Sarah wants to take turns cooking and cleaning dishes. My gut tell me this will be a problem later on. I prefer the "one cup & spoon per person" policy. Also painfully aware that if I'm not a part of the solution, I'm part of the problem. Oh boy.

Grand Canyon, Arizona. Breathtaking. Our first big natural landmark location. The 1 Second Crew managed to capture some killer footage...

...but I had to work hard to appreciate it because my sweltering, itchy black Dickies jumpsuit was slowly driving me apeshit.

Albuquerque, New Mexico. We arrived in this charming southwestern town at about 5AM. Nirvan's mother and sister made our visit so comfortable. The food was amazing but what I shall never forget is the image of George and I having our feet soaked in a saltwater detox solution. Poor George's clear foot bath had become a horrific green foamy goop! I guess he was especially toxic that day. Later on he complained of an awful headache which he attributed to the detox. Haha! That night we did our first full audio/visual presentation at the local art gallery Stove. A raffle with some KILLER prizes was being held but the draw was slim so everyone who bought a ticket won BIG. One fella actually bought five tickets and won five times! Still it was a great vibe and it was a good experience finally getting to spread our wings and work out the bugs. My favorite moment was actually an impromptu bit where The Evangenitals jammed up this lounge/blues riff for the auction. Whenever a winner was announced, George and I would fly off into these raging solos to accentuate the high times. The crowd loved it. It was the kind of freestyle shit that I wished we had done more of throughout the tour.

Roswell, New Mexico. So far no aliens but it smells like major dung throughout and, strangely, there is zero vibe here at all, just a bunch of poor farmers. For what seemed like the umpteenth time, We leaped out of the bus with the jumpsuits for an alien photo op. Of course in retrospect it was seriously small potatoes, but at the time, ugh.
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