The morning after. The beard is growing. Four hours sleep. Feeling golden. Why? Because the Derby shindig was so damn beautiful. An ocean of new fans & friends. The comeuppance of John Maus, testifying on one knee as nearly two dozen new disciples gathered before Him, arms outstretched, fingertips tingling for a touch. In a heartbeat, it could have been a scene from a Michaelangelo painting. But it really happened. There are no pictures. But legend will prevail. The lovely paradox that is Hidden- surely one of the gentlest tribes in Los Angeles. Yet onstage, they are the fiercest of sexybeasts, the black widow of all bands. I've never seen it happen, but one gets the feeling that if you ever did find a way to cross them, they would quickly turn you into blood pudding. The divine grace of Fascinoma. The duo are now a trio. The new member Mike, carefully chosen so as not to inject too much testosterone into the band's fragile eco-system. They are the voices of an informed, kind, and forgiving angel. Entirely fallible. Wholly beautiful. You are the friends of The Evangenitals. We love you too much. Thank you all for a perfect evening. Thank you MC Allen Murdock for being the glue. And a great big thank you to Michael Anderson and Tony Gower for making this event possible!
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