Saturday. The day after my 35th birthday and our "Greatest Hits" Derby show. The phone isn't ringing. I have nothing to do and so I've painted my entire room an ocean blue. I am alone. It is raining. A far cry from the beautiful busy-ness that was Friday where I was the recipient of so much love and attention that it was nearly unbearable - birthday cakes, presents, LOTS of phone calls, the big gig, Fascinoma's surprise appearance on the rug, a roomful of friends old & new, handfuls of past and present crushes. It felt so much like a goddamn Fellini picture that I just had to up & sing! Thank you everyone for a wonderful evening! Lorca, it was really special to see you after so many years. Simon, great to have you back in my life. You're a stalwart friend. Salad, having you behind the kit couldn't have been a nicer birthday gift. Michael Anderson, you've got a heart of gold, brother - thanks for the pastry! Lovely Marina, thank you for the excellent photos (I've already found a perfect place for them). Finally, a special thanks to the Evangenitals for putting up with this old fool for as long as you have. I love you all!
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