First, let me thank everyone who came out for the Big Brett Solo Show at The Derby a few weeks back. I could really feel the love in the room and was quite surprised at the great turnout. Having my friends up there on stage with me was a dream come true. Now I'm growing a little more ambitious. I plan to book another gig for March but, while the last one may have slowed down your heart rate a little, this one is definitely going to ROK!!!
In addition to whatever the Genitals are doing, I'm also cobbling away on a record of my own. A while back, I had written a song tailored for the Evangenitals with a tentative title "Yoko". It was shelved. So I took it on back home and added drums and electric guitars and I must say this little fucker really rocks. Really, it's a hit song. The kind of song many will despise and others will absolutely adore. I bet it'll get plenty of radio and hopefully get snapped up for some movie. Mark my words, Amigo, Evangenital Brett is on the loose without a noose!
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