It's ok. I have faith that this is all part of the Grand Plan. I know there are forces at work that are greater than borders or politicians. Today marks the day The Evangenitals try and help with the "Loving, Healing, Primal Screaming" therapy show at The Derby. Where we return to the basics. Where love reigns supreme regardless of ideaology, political leanings or sexual orientation. Folks, we're working overtime on this one. I've been in my little home studio for the past few weeks polishing up our first LP which will make its debut this evening. The gals have been hustling to flyer and complete the artwork for the cds and our new "unicron" T-shirts. Whew.
The studio. I love it but anyone who's familiar will tell you its exhausting as hell. Tweaking knobs and staring at screens with virtually no human contact for what seems a lifetime can potentially fry the soul. Like Chinese water torture perhaps. Funny how so much time, effort and focus is ultimately squashed into a simple little three minute pop song. God sometimes it seems so small and insignificant, in my weaker moments I wonder what's the point? But then I remember. It is not my business to fret over the outcome.
The simple truth is music (or any gesture) is a gift. An offering to the universe for our brothers and sisters to do with as they wish. This will be three minutes that can travel anywhere on this planet and be shared with anyone over and over again throughout a lifetime. If you think about it, that's a lot of minutes. And quite a gift.
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