Buddy, I had the weirdest dream. I am seated between my bandmate Lisa and hippie folk rocker Ben Harper. Before us is this huge keyboard where the keys light up (like in that Tom Hanks movie "Big"). It starts playing an automated instrumental version of Strawberry Fields Forever and Lisa sings along. But she is horribly out of key and I keep elbowing her to knock it off and maybe save face with Ben. But Lisa is having none of my bullying ways! She just keeps on SING-SING-SINGING! Just when I'm about to blow my top, Ben looks right into her eyes and starts crooning right along with her - a duet for chrissakes! And then without a hitch, he brushes me aside, reaches over, and plants the sloppiest five second french kiss right on Lisa lips! Good golly, Miss Molly!
i think it was the trip to Hooter's we took and eatin' all that government cheese that musta given you the shake up in your psyche. overexposure to sun-tan pantyhose has been proven to cause rashes, irritability, and nightmares.
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