Hello fellow Genitalia.
Well, it's been another glorious and productive month. The Evangenitals album is finally out of the oven and ready for public consumption. I'm very proud of the results.
New Evangenitals CD
I wanna thank Juli and the band for letting me go to town on this record. Juli wrote most of the songs and yet I was given (or maybe I just took it) creative license to interpret the material as I pleased. She's perhaps the only person I know of whom I would trust to do the same for me.
Over these many months I've grown intimate with every nook of every note we've recorded. It was very rewarding to study the strengths and weaknesses of myself and the band during this process. Some tunes such as "Gasoline", "The Work Song" and "Cinderella" gave birth quickly while others like "QueeQueg", "Never Again" and "So Tired" were tirelessly shaped, revised and finessed for eons. Literally hundreds of hours were logged.
Newcomer Juli took to the studio environment quickly. I was amazed and truly inspired to watch how efficient, focused and courageous she grew throughout the sessions. Perhaps my most memorable experience was watching Juli transform from a good singer to a truly great singer in but a year's time. The same is true of her guitar skills. Listen to the opening chords of "Lisa's Song" and compare with the intro to "Work". You can actually "hear" her growth! For me, Juli's presence is a genuine testament to the human spirit and proof that anything is possible if you can remain fearless and teachable.
Mad props must be awarded to Lisa Dee for her unselfish ability to serve as Juli's loyal lieutenant. She will sometimes refer to herself as "Juli's understudy" and I understand what she means. Every time I listen to her sing "if we can't be lovers" in "Gasoline" I'm always quietly applauding her excellent ability to follow and not overtake.
But listen to Lisa's counter-melodies on "Quee" or "Work" and she's hardly subbing as an understudy. She's creating and composing her own distinctive lines and the results are brilliant. On the chorus tails for "Hey Ya'll" she ends with a dark fading note that tranforms the vibe from being almost fun and cute to downright haunting. Many of Lisa's decisions are so unconventional that I'll often ask myself "where on Mars did she come up with that?" So here's to you Ms. Lisa Dee!
Our beloved Jeff Jonesy. Mr. Space Bass. Always stressing about something. But when you get him in the studio, he's the guy who always nails his parts on the first take. Any sound engineer has gotta love that! As far as being fearless goes, JJ is giving Juli a run for her money! If you told me five years ago that he'd be playing country tunes and wearing a leather thong, I'd have told you to put your money where your mouth is! He's my superstar and that's why I insist that he personally autograph every single cd we sell.
Although he only makes a few appearances on the LP, David Salardino is indeed a bonified Genital. Aside from being the coolest guy on the planet, Dave is responsible for the KILLER drum part on "Work". That alone justifies his seat. We're looking forward to incorporating his mandolin skills into the next LP.
For this record, we brought in four heavy hitters. Thanks to Blair Lamb for letting us use his Del Boca Vista Studios for a few songs. Jeff Donavan plays a mean drum on "Gas", "Never" and "Lisa". Geoff Brandin plays the lovely lap steel guitar on "Quee". And my old friend Doug Legacy plays the ragtime piano on "Never".
Thank you Juli, Lisa, Jeff & Salad. And thank you Blair, Jeff, Geoff & Doug. Like it or not, we're all lifetime members of the Evangenital Family!
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